Do you have a story you would like to share about your club? Simply email us at Please include your story, a photo and your name and phone number.

News from the Clubs in the Federation…

Edmonton’s Lyle Hardy Receives the King Charles III Coronation Medal

March 1 2025

The Club was honored to nominate Lyle Hardy for the King Charles III Coronation Medal several months ago. Recently, we were informed that he had been selected as a recipient of the prestigious award. Recipients of the award have had to have made a significant contribution to Canada or to a particular province, territory, region or community of Canada, or have made an outstanding achievement abroad that brings credit to Canada.

Images Above:

(1) King Charles III Coronation Medal. (2) Lyle receiving Medal from MP Michael Cooper. (3) Lyle celebrates with friends and follow Cosmos wife Esther, Cheryl MacKenzie and retired Cosmos Char & Gary Jurke,

As noted in the commemorative program:

Lyle Hardy has been a dedicated member of the Cosmopolitan Club for 40 years and is currently a member of the Edmonton Cosmopolitan Club. He has held various roles within the organization and is a Beacon with the Cosmopolitan Foundation Canada. Lyle, through the Edmonton Club, contributes financially to around 14 local charities each year at the Club’s Annual Giving Event. Lyle supports Club fundraising efforts such as Curling Bonspiels, Golf Tournaments, Bingos, Casinos and raffles. His volunteer work extends to organizations like the Edmonton and St Albert Food Banks, Alberta Diabetes Foundation, DRIFCan and Breakthrough T1D. Recently, Lyle and his wife Esther received the Blair Art Volunteer Appreciation Award for their 28 years of service with Rock’n August.

Saskatchewan Recognizes COSMO DAY, Nov 2 2024

October 21 2024

Saskatoon Social Night - Attending an Evening with Dr Shapiro’s Annual Fundraiser

Oct 21, 2023

On Oct 12, Dr Shapiro spend 90 minutes on a Zoom Webcast talking with Carrie Doll about what has been happening at the Lab, his lab. From showing off new equipment to showing off microscopic cell growth, he had it all.

Most importantly, he had viewers froma across the globe looking to support his efforts through financial donations and spreading the word about his great work.

The talk included Dr Shapiro touring the lab and visiting with his team. He showed off a lot of what is happening. More importantly, he gave us a first hand view of what is coming…

Saskatoon Club got together and watched the event together. It is so great to see such interest from out members. We look forward to hearing more in the months to come, maye even at the next International Convention in EDM July 2024.

2024 CI Convention to be hosted by WCF in Edmonton, AB!

Sept 30, 2023

Edmonton Club Members Cheryl MacKenzie & Angela McFalls attending the Annual Convention hosted by the Norfolk Club. It was their pleasure to launch the 2024 Convention Campaign to promote attendance.

They are pleased to be able to provide the presentation here for all to view.


The Edmonton Club is excited to be able to play host for WCF and looks forward to being able to deliver the convention with the support and assistance from all of the WCF Clubs. It’s going to be a truley Western Canadian event with all of the fun that comes with it.

See you all in Edmonton from July 18-21, 2024. Just a reminder, room blocks are now open so book early to avoid disappointment.

Saskatoon Cosmos Celebrate Cosmo Day!

Nov 5 2022

The Members of the Saskatoon Cosmopolitan Club met at City Hall to celbrate Cosmo Day. They started their day with a service of Hot Chocolate to visits and members alike. The Cosmo Flag was raised on the Community Flagpole and donations were distributed to local service organization and our very own Foundation, CFCI.

For more images, visit our photo gallery.

CFCI Extends Support for Another Year

Nov 5 2022

After a review of the progress on Dr. Jean Buteau’s Reserach Project at the Alberta Diabetes Institure, the CFCI Board announced today that they would contrinue support on the project for another 12 months.

This decision results in a second donation of $50,000 that was delivered to the Alberta Diabetes Foundation where the Executive Director, Lindsay Burnham, was happy to accept the cheque.

Dr Buteau’s research is working to find a treatment that involves a single pill once a day for T1D patients, something that would be life changing to those who are currently used to taking multiple injections a day.

MEMBERS Attend CI Convention in Sioux City, Iowa.

Six members travel to Iawa to attend the CI Annual Convention representing 4 clubs from the Western Canada Federation.. Al Porter & wife Pam along with CI Past International President (PIP) Art Brassard travel from Prince Albert; Cheryl Mackenzie Lt Governor WCF from Edmonton Club and John Krysak, Governor Elect and Keith Shepherd, CI International VP Finance both of WAscana Club travel down and Gord Hendrickson, Lt Governor WCF and Dan Greenm Vice President CFCI travel down from the Calgary Club.

It was a convention full of challenges, but at the end of the day, the orgianiztion has identified priorities that include recruitment for a new Executive DIrector, improved communications from the International Board & Executive and enhanced Marketing Collateral to support Federations and Clubs in efforts to promote and recruit membership. Highlights include the recognition of Judy Weitkamber as the Frederick J. Hodgins Award winner.

Representatives from across the six federations look forward to progress reports as we move forward into 2022/23.

Mark your calendars, Norfolk Cosmo Club presented their vision for the CI Annual Convention in Norfolk, Virginia July 20-23, 2023!


Our Cagary Cosmo Club is gearing up to host the 8 Western CAnada Cosmo Clubs at only the second in person Convention since 2019 that will be held in person.

The Convention will be hosted at the Carriage House Hotel & Conference Center at 9030 McLeod Trail.

Don’t forget to get your registrations in, the Early Bird Deadline is Tuesday, April 12 and the Hotel Block is being held until Wednesday, April 13th!

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in Calgary. For your convenience, we are including registration and hotel information here.

2022 WCF Spring Convention Registration Form

2022 WCF Spring Convention Hotel Information

2022 WCF Spring Convention Agenda

Saskatoon Social Night - Attending an Evening with Dr Shapiro’s Annual Fundraiser

Oct 21, 2023

On Oct 12, Dr Shapiro spend 90 minutes on a Zoom Webcast talking with Carrie Doll about what has been happening at the Lab, his lab. From showing off new equipment to showing off microscopic cell growth, he had it all.

Most importantly, he had viewers froma across the globe looking to support his efforts through financial donations and spreading the word about his great work.

The talk included Dr Shapiro touring the lab and visiting with his team. He showed off a lot of what is happening. More importantly, he gave us a first hand view of what is coming…

Saskatoon Club got together and watched the event together. It is so great to see such interest from out members. We look forward to hearing more in the months to come, maye even at the next International Convention in EDM July 2024.

2024 CI Convention to be hosted by WCF in Edmonton, AB!

Sept 30, 2023

Edmonton Club Members Cheryl MacKenzie & Angela McFalls attending the Annual Convention hosted by the Norfolk Club. It was their pleasure to launch the 2024 Convention Campaign to promote attendance.

They are pleased to be able to provide the presentation here for all to view.


The Edmonton Club is excited to be able to play host for WCF and looks forward to being able to deliver the convention with the support and assistance from all of the WCF Clubs. It’s going to be a truley Western Canadian event with all of the fun that comes with it.

See you all in Edmonton from July 18-21, 2024. Just a reminder, room blocks are now open so book early to avoid disappointment.

Saskatoon Cosmos Celebrate Cosmo Day!

Nov 5 2022

The Members of the Saskatoon Cosmopolitan Club met at City Hall to celbrate Cosmo Day. They started their day with a service of Hot Chocolate to visits and members alike. The Cosmo Flag was raised on the Community Flagpole and donations were distributed to local service organization and our very own Foundation, CFCI.

For more images, visit our photo gallery.

CFCI Extends Support for Another Year

Nov 5 2022

After a review of the progress on Dr. Jean Buteau’s Reserach Project at the Alberta Diabetes Institure, the CFCI Board announced today that they would contrinue support on the project for another 12 months.

This decision results in a second donation of $50,000 that was delivered to the Alberta Diabetes Foundation where the Executive Director, Lindsay Burnham, was happy to accept the cheque.

Dr Buteau’s research is working to find a treatment that involves a single pill once a day for T1D patients, something that would be life changing to those who are currently used to taking multiple injections a day.

MEMBERS Attend CI Convention in Sioux City, Iowa.

Six members travel to Iawa to attend the CI Annual Convention representing 4 clubs from the Western Canada Federation.. Al Porter & wife Pam along with CI Past International President (PIP) Art Brassard travel from Prince Albert; Cheryl Mackenzie Lt Governor WCF from Edmonton Club and John Krysak, Governor Elect and Keith Shepherd, CI International VP Finance both of WAscana Club travel down and Gord Hendrickson, Lt Governor WCF and Dan Greenm Vice President CFCI travel down from the Calgary Club.

It was a convention full of challenges, but at the end of the day, the orgianiztion has identified priorities that include recruitment for a new Executive DIrector, improved communications from the International Board & Executive and enhanced Marketing Collateral to support Federations and Clubs in efforts to promote and recruit membership. Highlights include the recognition of Judy Weitkamber as the Frederick J. Hodgins Award winner.

Representatives from across the six federations look forward to progress reports as we move forward into 2022/23.

Mark your calendars, Norfolk Cosmo Club presented their vision for the CI Annual Convention in Norfolk, Virginia July 20-23, 2023!


Our Cagary Cosmo Club is gearing up to host the 8 Western CAnada Cosmo Clubs at only the second in person Convention since 2019 that will be held in person.

The Convention will be hosted at the Carriage House Hotel & Conference Center at 9030 McLeod Trail.

Don’t forget to get your registrations in, the Early Bird Deadline is Tuesday, April 12 and the Hotel Block is being held until Wednesday, April 13th!

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in Calgary. For your convenience, we are including registration and hotel information here.

2022 WCF Spring Convention Registration Form

2022 WCF Spring Convention Hotel Information

2022 WCF Spring Convention Agenda

CFCI Signs Partnership Deal with Alberta Diabetes Foundation to “Stop Diabetes”

~Nov 29 2021

In celebration of Diabetes Awareness Month in November ‘21 and recognition of International Cosmopolitan Day on November 6, 2021 the Cosmopolitan Foundation Canada voted unnanomously to participate in a Matching Program in November/December of this year in the amount of $50,000.

A project for the matching funds was identified and on Saturday, Nov 6th, WCF Governor Tammy Allen and CFCI President, Cheryl MacKenzie made the donation to representatives from the Alberta Diabetes Foundation and Lead Researcher, Dr. Jean Buteau.

For more information on the specific project being funded by this grant, you can visit the ADF webiste at .

Pictured Left to right: Cheryl MacKenzie - CFCI President, Tammy Allen - WCF Governor, Angelina Bakshi - Chair of ADF Board & Dr Jean Buteau - Lead Researcher of Sponsored Project

to May 25

WCF Annual Convention

Hosted by the Wascana Club in 2025 who will be celebrating their 30th Anniversary!

A not to be missed event. Come join fellow Cosmos to celebrate the year.

LOCATION: The Atlas, 4177 Albert Street, Regina, SK S4S 3R6 ($154.95 + Tax)

Call to reserve: 306-586-3443 Block Code 052325WCC (For room gurantee book before April 24, 2025



MAY 23 – 25, 2025


Friday, May 23

4:00 – 6:00 pm Registration

6:30 – 10:00 pm Friday Night Social with Sandwich Bar

Saturday, May 24

7:45 – 9:00 am Breakfast

9:00 am – 11:00 am Western Canada Federation Meeting

11:15 AM – 12:15 pm CFCI Meeting

9:00 am – 11:30 am Non-member shopping

12:15 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch on own

1:30 pm – 3:30 pm Education Session

3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Free Time

5:30 pm – 6:00 pm Cocktails at the Royal Regina Golf Club

6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Banquet followed by Inductions and Awards, and Social Time

(There will be a sign-up sheet at the Registration table on Friday for those who would like to have a ride to and from the banquet.)

Sunday, May 25

8:00 am – 9:00 am W.C.F. Board Meeting

9:00 am – 10:00 am Brunch

10:00 am CFCI Meeting and Beacon Presentation

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to Jun 1

Humboltd 4x4x48

Overall, Cosmos are going to have lots of opportunities to volunteer if you can be in Humboldt during this time frame.

If you are planning to attend, there are only two hotels available right in town, the next closest is in Saskatoon which is about an hours drive. Hotels are Canalta Humboldt & Bella Vista Inn. Book early as they will sell out, they always do.


Friday May 30:

6pm Dine & Dash (Dr Shapiro Presentation) - $75 a Ticket, contact Debra Down for tickets.

Saturday May 31:

8am Tim Horton’s Breakfast (Volunteer Opportunity)

9:30am (Est): Dine & Dash Clean Up (Volunteer Opportunity)

Afternoon: T1D Retreat with

8pm: Super Hero Run

Sunday, June 1:

10am: Community Walk (Cosmos will have opportunity volunteer with registration desk etc.)

12Noon: A&W Lunch (Cosmos will have an opportunity to present over lunch around 1pm/1:30pm)

4pm: Last is complete. Those that can stay around to assist in clean up will be appreciated. Understood that volunteers from away may have to leave before this but understood.

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EDM Monthly Club Meeting

Monthly Business Meeting

Location: Maier Centre for Autism, 17451 103rd Ave NW, Edmonton

Guest Speaker: Terri Duncan, Executive Director (Facility Tour and then regular business meeting)

If you would like to check out our Club and join a meeting, please contact Cheryl MacKenzie, Membership Committee for more information. (

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Edmonton Cosmo Giving Night

The Edmonton Cosmo Elves are at it again. On this night, we will gather with out local community charity recipients to celebrate their year. We will have the opportunity to hear how they have done and the great things they have coming in the new year. This year, Edmonton Cosmo Elves handed out $40,000 in donations to 13 worthy organizations.

This will be a zoom meeting. If you are a Cosmo or Future Cosmo Member (great way to see the impact that this club has on the local community) and would like to attend this zoom meeting, please email to request the link.

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EDM Monthly Club Meeting

Monthly Business Meeting

Location: Boston Pizza, 17002, 90th Ave

Guest Speaker: Tami Anderson, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation

If you would like to check out our Club and join a meeting, please contact Cheryl MacKenzie, Membership Committee for more information.

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Cosmopolitan Foundation Canada Inc Semi Annual Meeting

The Fall Meeting of the CFCI Board will be held via Zoom following the WCF Semi Annual Zoom Call. Details of the meeting will be sent out by email. If you do not receive the zoom link and would like to attend as a CI Member, please contact or if you are having technical difficulties on the morning of the meeting, call at 780-907-1034.

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The Semi Annual Meeting of the Western Canada Federation will be held via Zoom. Details of the meeting will be sent out by email. If you do not receive the zoom link and would like to attend as a CI Member, please contact or if you are having technical difficulties on the morning of the meeting, call at 780-907-1034.

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to May 19


  • Best Western Plus Winnipeg Airport Hotel (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The dates have been set and the hotel selected. Stay tuned for registration and room booking information.

The Winnipeg Cosmo Club is looking forward to hosting everyone for a fun filled weekend.

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World Diabetes Day

World Diabetes Day

“DEFEAT DIABETES”, an amalgamation of three organizations focused on the cure for Diabetes includes the University of Alberta, Alberta Diabetes Foundation (ADF) and Diabetes Research Institute Foundation Canada (DRIFCan).

WCF Governor Karen Shepherd, CFCI President Cheryl MacKenzie along with a number of local Cosmos will attend a Press Conference hosted by “Defeat Diabetes” at the University for a major announcement. Stay tuned for the details.

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WCF/CFCI Midterm Virtual Meeting

9:00am - 10:00AM: Midterm WCF Meeting. All members are invited to attend. Each club will have pre selected voting delegates.

10:00am - 11:00am: Midterm CFCI Meeting. This will be a meeting of the CFCI Board & Directors. All CI members are welcome to attend.


When Entering the event, please ensure your name is listed as such depending on your meeting status:

DELEGATE: “Name, Club, Delegate”

WCF Board MEmber: “NAme, WCF Board Position”

CI Member: “Name, Club”

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to Aug 12


  • Google Calendar ICS

If you would like to Volunteer, please reach out to Kathy Walker of the Edmonton Cosmo Club at

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